Why Labour Hire Works for Candidates

Why Labour Hire Works for Candidates

Labour hire is common in many industries worldwide, such as the construction industry, to bring in workers when and where they’re needed most. It involves hiring workers on a temporary basis to fill a specific need or to cover a temporary shortage of staff. However, it’s also a useful setup for candidates as it offers a range of advantages that make it a popular option for those looking for work. In this article, we explore the benefits of labour hire for candidates and why it works for them.

Labour Hire and the Construction Industry

The construction industry has been dealt a rough hand following the global pandemic brought on by covid-19. The rising costs of materials used in construction, inflation and a diminishing workforce have all contributed to a difficult landscape for the construction industry to navigate. Candidates in construction have more options than ever before when it comes to finding work and applying for different roles, which means businesses must adjust their tactics if they want to target and retain key talent – which is costly and time-consuming.

Why Labour Hire Works for Candidates

Labour hire could hold the answers for both candidates looking for better prospects and businesses in construction that are struggling to recruit the right talent. So let’s take a look at some of the benefits associated with labour hire for candidates:

Better Rates

One of the most significant benefits of labour hire for candidates is better rates of pay. As they are not permanent employees, labour hire workers are often paid a higher hourly rate than their permanent counterparts. This is because employers are not required to provide benefits such as sick leave, holiday pay, or pensions. Instead, they’ll receive a higher hourly rate to compensate for these benefits.

For many candidates, this higher rate of pay is a significant factor in their decision to work in this way. It allows them to earn a higher income without the commitment of a permanent job. This can be particularly attractive to those who are looking to earn extra income or who are between permanent jobs.

Flexibility of a Casual Contract

Another benefit of labour hire is the flexibility of a casual contract. Casual contracts are often used in labour hire agreements as they provide both the employer and the candidate with a high degree of flexibility. Candidates can choose when they want to work and for how long, which can be particularly beneficial for those with family or other commitments.

The flexibility of a casual contract also means that candidates can choose to work with multiple employers simultaneously. This can be a great way to gain experience in different industries or to build a diverse skill set in construction. It also means that candidates are not reliant on one employer for their income, which can be particularly important in industries that are subject to economic downturns or other disruptions.

Pick and Choose What They’d Like to Do

Labour hire offers candidates the ability to pick and choose what they’d like to do in construction and creates a more bespoke career path for them. Labour hire agencies often work with a variety of clients across multiple industries, which means that candidates have access to a wide range of job opportunities.

This can be particularly attractive to those who are looking for work in a specific area of construction or who have a particular set of skills. It also allows candidates to try out different types of work before committing to a permanent role. This can be particularly important for those who are unsure of their career path or who are looking to transition towards a specialisation.

No Lock-In Contracts

Unlike permanent roles, labour hire agreements do not typically include lock-in contracts. This means that candidates are free to terminate their employment at any time, without penalty. It also means that employers are free to end the employment relationship if the candidate isn’t meeting their expectations.

This lack of commitment can be particularly attractive to candidates who are unsure about their long-term employment prospects or who are looking for more flexibility in their work arrangements. It can also be beneficial to employers, as it allows them to quickly scale up or down their workforce as needed.

Ability to Negotiate Easier

Another advantage of labour hire for candidates is the ability to negotiate more easily. As candidates aren’t classified as permanent employees, they have more flexibility in negotiating their employment terms. This can include negotiating their hourly rate, the number of hours they work, and the type of work they are willing to do.

Labour hire agencies are often willing to negotiate with these workers as they understand that their success depends on building strong relationships with both employers and candidates. This can be particularly beneficial to candidates who are looking to earn a higher income or who have specific skills that are in high demand.

They Know They’re Needed

Finally, candidates who work with labour hire agencies often have the reassurance of knowing that they are needed. Labour hire agencies exist to provide staff to employers who have a specific need or who require temporary staff to cover absences or fluctuations in demand. This means that candidates who work with labour hire agencies are often in high demand, which can provide them with a sense of job security.

Knowing that they are needed can also provide candidates with a sense of satisfaction and fulfilment. It can be rewarding to know that their skills and expertise are in demand and that they are helping employers to meet their staffing needs. This can be particularly important for those who are looking for work in industries that they are passionate about or who want to make a difference in their work.

Labour hire can be an attractive option for candidates who are looking for work for many different reasons. From better rates to more flexible contracts, labour hire provides a different way of working that permanent roles can’t offer. For employers, labour hire can provide a flexible workforce that can be scaled up or down as needed, which can be particularly important in industries that are subject to economic uncertainty or fluctuations in demand. Ultimately, the success of labour hire depends on building strong relationships between employers, candidates, and labour hire agencies, and on understanding the unique needs of each party.