Meet the team: Tim Reed

Get to know: Tim Reed, Finance Manager

It’s always great to get to know someone new, so we sat down with our Finance Manager, Tim Reed, and asked him some questions about his experience in the financial sector and how it has prepared him to manage our Finance, Payroll & Accounts Teams.


How long have you been with Globe?
I have been with Globe for three years and eight months.

Where did you work previously?
Tim has a lot of experience in accounting & finance, working for PriceWaterhouseCoopers for 15 years. More recently, working with McCarthy Homes (SEQ residential builders) for 10 years.

Prior to arriving with Globe, Tim took a year off to complete a home renovation (his own!) and to travel internationally.

What are your life aspirations?
My life aspirations are to be happy, healthy, and able to enjoy things I like to do. I find when I’m happy, I am more productive and make decisions that benefit me in the long run. When I’m healthy, my energy is high, and it helps me be more productive. And when I can partake in things that I like to do, it brings me enjoyment and happiness and the cycle continues!

What is something interesting you’ve done in the past?
I love traveling and have done lots of surf travel around Asia (particularly Indonesia) and Heliskiin.

Tim is also an avid mounting biking enthusiast, often spending his weekends on a track doing crazy things on his two wheels.

How would you solve problems if you were from Mars?
If the problem was on Earth I would have to ask someone for assistance or do my own research, given I’m from Mars

Why are manholes round?
Practicality, manholes are covered by manhole covers, round manhole covers are more practical than square ones given they don’t need to be rotated to fit back in properly.

Want to connect? visit Tim’s LinkedIn here: LinkedIn – Tim Reed


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